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Selected Project Summaries for 
Tammie Williams

TNT Dry Cleaning Point of Sale System

Syscom, Arlington, TX

This project required the creation of a new system with the same functionality of an existing DOS version.  The older version used Clipper for its database functionality.  The new version uses Visual Studio .NET version 2002, MSDE 2000 and SQL.  The target platforms are Windows 2000 and Windows XP.  Tammie's work included the design of over 75 reports using Crystal Reports .NET, stored procedures and subreports.  Additionally, Tammie rewrote the user manuals using PageMaker.

Virtual Assistant

Variety of Contract Programmers, TX

Tammie takes care of all the contracts, bookkeeping, retirement plans, health and dental insurance and all other business related issues for several individual contractors.  Because of the variety of tasks involved, Tammie's an expert in QuickBooks Pro, Microsoft Access, Publisher, Word, Excel and Pagemaker.    

Produce Cost Management System

National Produce Systems, Richardson, TX

Involved the redesign of a Paradox application using Visual Basic and Microsoft SQL Server.  Created all of the reports using Crystal Reports 8.0.

Catalyst CPR TeleDictate and TeleTranscribe

Catalyst Information Systems, Oklahoma City, OK

In addition to testing several applications for Catalyst, Tammie continues to work on marketing and sales for this line of digital dictation and transcription products.  


Project Listings
Patrick's Projects
Michael's Projects
Tammie Williams
Patrick Little
Michael Majors

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